For So Long i have awaitEd and Longed to know hoW iT feeLs Like whEn yOu are on a pLane.
Is iT Like thE RoLLer coAsTer Ride i Tried in tHe maLL?
Is iT LikE thE chUrn of My Stomach When thE Car suddenLy maKes a jumP on The Street?
Is iT Like the Ferris WheeL i Tried on the nearBy CarnivaL?
ShouLd i TaKe in as muCh CHewIng Gum witH me?
WiLL thEre be bumPs as wiTh my everyDay JeepNey Ride?
So When it FinaLLy came...
AboardiNg CatHay Pacific Flight PR834.
I weNt to The aiRport 1.5 hrs beFore the ScheduLe as it waS an internationaL FLight.
I PuT on mY Maong JackEt tHat i juSt bougHt for This tRip.
I OFcourse chOse the WinDow SeAT to Have A BeTTer view frOm tHe TOP.
So WhEn iWas Finally seatEd at my ChAir - E45, I hEard the EnginE staRted.
I begaN to condiTion my Mind tHat iTs gonna Be a thRiLLing riDe.
The PLane tooK itS Turn onTo the runway.
THe sPeed suddenLy increAsed crEating a Loud ThuNderiNg Sound.
ThiS is iT!
I LookeD BeLow and saW hoW smaLL tHe WorLd is.
HoW TinY probLems may Seem.
Then..i Saw it..
suCh wonDerfuL creATion of God.
As cLouds weRe susPended on The Blue SkieS thAt seemS Like to refLect the Ocean beLow.
I Saw isLands surrOunded by Lining oF WhiTe sAnds as if ProTectinG iT froM geTTing WeT.
As I was MesMerized by This SigHt tHe CREATOR offERed me, I
no LonGer Take hEed oF mY FirSt pLane RiDe ExpeRience, InSteAd,
I LearNed to AppreciaTe More tHe CreAtor and His CreAtion.